Baldone museum is located in Mercendarbe manor (18th century manor) – one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings of Baldone. Museum invites to see the exposition “Road to the Baldone Resort”, as well as thematic and art exhibitions. Visitors of the museum also are able to receive additional information upon request, as well as to view the unexposed museum collection under the supervision of a museum expert.
Baldones museum is open since 2017. The mission of the Baldone museum is to collect, preserve and study historical evidence of Baldone resort, Baldone city, its surroundings and inhabitants, promoting visitors’ interest in Baldone’s cultural and historical heritage and understanding of Baldone’s significance in the hostory of Latvia.
How to make a purchase with Mobilly?

Download the application or update to the latest version.
Application is available for users of Android 6, IOS 11+ or later versions of operating systems.

Choose the museum to visit
Click on the “Other” section in the menu bar and select “Museums and exhibitions”

Purchase the QR code ticket and go to the museum!
You will be obliged to present the QR code ticket at the museum entrance
How to make a purchase with Mobilly?
It's easy and free of charge!
Download the app on your phone
Enter your telephone number in the app. In a moment you will get a text message with a password. Enter it in the app and your account is registered!
Add your payment card and make the purchase
Add your payment card to Mobilly app and make the purchase! When you add the payment card for the first time via website, you will have to top up your Mobilly account with the minimal amount of EUR 3.00.