If you have parked your vehicle in the EuroPark Latvia tariff zone and the controller has already started checking the vehicle, as soon as you want to activate the payment for parking, Mobilly will warn you that the payment for parking has not been started, because the EuroPark controller has already started checkup of your vehicle. If you receive such a notice, then you should be aware that the payment on Mobilly for this vehicle is denied all day and that the controller most likely has already issued a penalty.
Notification of the fact that the controller of “Rigas Satiksme” has started your vehicle checkup will be sent to you from Mobilly only if you try to start paying for parking within 15 minutes after the controller has already checked up your car. After these 15 minutes you will be able to initiate the payment again even if you have already received a message about the unpaid use of postpayable parking.
! If you have forgotten to start payment for parking and do not know if the controller has already done the vehicle checkup, you can call 1859 * and ask our operator to check if your car has been checked up.
* The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.