A visit to the Paula Stradiņš Medicine History Museum is an opportunity to see the expositions, which have changed little since the 60s and 70s of the last century and are dedicated to the history of medicine from the earliest times to the age of space exploration.

The Paula Stradiņš Medicine History Museum, which opened its doors to visitors in 1961, is still one of the most popular museums in Latvia. The museum’s changing program of exhibitions and public events promotes awareness of care as the foundation of a sustainable society. www.mvm.lv

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Choose the museum to visit

Click on the “Other” section in the menu bar and select “Museums and exhibitions”

Purchase the QR code ticket and go to the museum!

You will be obliged to present the QR code ticket at the museum entrance

How to make a purchase with Mobilly?

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Enter your telephone number in the app. In a moment you will get a text message with a password. Enter it in the app and your account is registered!


Add your payment card and make the purchase

Add your payment card to Mobilly app and make the purchase! When you add the payment card for the first time via website, you will have to top up your Mobilly account with the minimal amount of EUR 3.00.

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