Drive & pay by phone

Easily pay for a taxi from your phone

Quick payments for rides

Pay for cab rides right from your phone

Only the most trusted taxis

We work with reliable taxi companies

Guaranteed secure payments

Pay via Mobilly app. Whenever, wherever

Frequently asked questions

I paid for a taxi ride on Mobilly, but indicated the wrong board number / amount / taxi company. What should I do to correct the situation?

Contact us by calling 1859* and we will help you to solve this issue.

* The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.

I want to pay for a taxi ride from the Company Account, but I can’t. What should I do?

To clarify the reason, call 1859* or 22001859.

The most common reasons why you’re unable to pay from your Company Account:

• The company has refused payments for taxi from the Mobilly Company Account;

• The company has limited the taxi time by allowing it on specific days and times;

• The credit limit for the Mobilly account has been reached;

• Mobilly account has been blocked;

• The phone number from which you want to pay for the taxi is not attached to Mobilly account.

* The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.

Can I add the charge for a taxi ride to my mobile phone bill?

No, it is not possible to pay for a taxi ride as added to the phone bill.

How do I make sure that my taxi ride has been paid for?

When you press PAY on Mobilly app, confirmation of successful payment will be displayed, which you can present to the taxi driver. The taxi driver will receive a message of the payment by way of SMS.

How much does a taxi ride cost with Mobilly?

There is no additional charge for this service. You pay exactly as the counter shows.