Mobilly, when starting and providing services, is obliged to carry out your personal identification and, in accordance with the requirements of the law, to obtain your name, surname and personal identification number (if there is none – date of birth) and other information in accordance with Mobilly electronic cash account opening and servicing contract.
Mobilly, as a financial institution, is supervised by Latvijas Banka. Šāda veida klienta identifikācija nepieciešama, jo Mobilly ir jāizpilda gan “Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation” requirements, as well as the requirements of other regulatory acts, which prohibit the possibility for a person to conduct transactions anonymously or using fake data. In order for the service to function properly and in case of uncertainty Mobilly would have the necessary data, we ask you to provide all the requested information.