How to start using Automatic payment with Mobilly?
Initially, on the Mobilly application, in the Car section, open a tariff zone and add your vehicle number to Automatic or the automatic payment. Or in the menu you can go to section My cars and by clicking on the circle with the letter A, you will have activated Automatic payment. If you have already entered the Automatic zone, you will be asked whether you are currently in the relevant tariff zone and want to start paying. If you are in the zone shown in the app, press START and wait until the active payment clock appears. If you are not currently in the tariff zone, press CANCEL. If you are not currently in the parking lot and have activated the Automatic payment, then the next time you drive to the parking lot, the entry barrier will open itself and the payment will start automatically – you will not even have to opened the app. In the My Cars section of the app, you can change the Automatic settings to indicate in which Automatic zones you want to allow automatic payment start. Before leaving the Automatic area, make sure you have added your bank card to Mobilly account.
Can the Automatic zones be paid as added to the phone bill?
No, the Mobilly Automatic zones cannot be paid as added to the mobile phone bill.
I have already attached my vehicle number to Automatic payment. How will the payment begin?
When you drive inside any Automatic zone, the parking camera will read your vehicle number. We will check if the vehicle number read is linked to Automatic payment in any of Mobilly accounts and we will start charging payment. The barrier will also open automatically and you will be able to drive inside. Automatic zones are super convenient for recurring payments - no need to open Mobilly application, payment will be done automatically in the background.
What does it mean to “attach your vehicle number for Automatic zone payments”?
On Mobilly app, indicate the vehicle number that will be paid from your Mobilly account in all Automatic zones. So it will not matter if you or someone else will enter the Automatic zone in this car – if the particular vehicle number will be attached to Automatic payment in your Mobilly account, then it will be you who pay for the parking.
I have attached my vehicle number to Automatic for payment. Why isn’t the entry barrier rising?
Most likely, the camera has incorrectly read the vehicle number plate. We recommend to keep the number plate clean.
Why isn’t the exit barrier rising?
Most likely, the camera has incorrectly read the vehicle number plate. We recommend to keep the number plate clean. It is still possible that your Mobilly account does not have enough funds to stop parking and pay for the service received. In this case, you will receive a notice informing you of the need to supplement the account before leaving the Automatic zone. However, if the payment is successful but the barrier does not rise, call 1859*, we will help! * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
I entered the Automatic zone, and the payment started, but I have no more funds on the bank card. What to do?
If you have another bank card in your wallet, add it to your Mobilly account and make a payment by supplementing your Mobilly account. If there are no other bank cards, please, call 1859* or the customer service of the operator of the relevant parking zone to help you pay in another way. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859
How do I know in which zones the Automatic payment will start?
In these zones, in both – the Mobilly app and at the entrance of the parking lot, you will see the Automatic recognition sign. Indication of parking zone letters will be light green and green mark will appear on the app’s parking list — Automatic. Automatic payment will start in all parking lots with the Automatic sign regardless of their manager.
Which Mobilly zones currently have Automatic payment available?
Currently, Automatic operates in these zones: • JTA un JTO - "Jaunā Teika" • GER - Ģertrūdes 15/17 • RIX - Rīga International Airport • RG – Galleria Riga Dzirnavu ielā 67 • AK – Kurzemes prospektā 151 • ALB – “Albatross”, Ķesterciemā • BK – Barons kvartāls, Cēsu ielā 31 • BKUS – Children's Clinical University Hospital • DAP – Piekrastes iela 4, Daugavpils • DAS – Stadiona iela 3a, Daugavpils • DOC – Daugavpils Olimpiskais centrs • EASY – Easypark parking, Dzirnieku iela 6 • KC6 – Kalnciema iela 6 • LIB – shopping center Lība • MEZ – Meža iela 1/3 • OLI – shopping center Olimpia, Āzenes iela 5 • OC – Olimpiskā centra autostāvvieta • RCT – Central market parking, Nēģu iela 7 • SKO – Skonto stadium • SKY – shopping center Sky&More, Duntes iela 19a • TUR – Turgeņeva iela 25 • AVE - Daugavpils, Aveņu ielā • EBC - Elemental Business Centre, Skanstes iela 25 • DEPO - Mārupe, Lielā iela 2 • MBC/MBCC - Mūkusalas iela 42a • STR - Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital • TOMO - Raunas iela 44 • GRD - Zemitāna iela 9 • ALB - "Albatross" Ķesterciemā, Engures pag. • BKUS - Children Clinical University Hospital • STOA - Stockmann parking You will find the current list of Automatic zones in the app.
I’m a Company Account user. From which Mobilly account will the payment start upon entering the Mobilly Automatic zone?
In Mobilly Automatic zones, you can set for each vehicle separately from which account (private or business) the payment will start primarily. You can do this in the specific description of the Mobilly Automatic zone at the vehicle number or under My Cars.
How do I disconnect a vehicle number from Automatic Payment?
In the Mobilly app, in the upper right corner, by clicking on the 3 dashes, you will see the My car section, find the license plate number of the car in question and click on the circle with the letter A. If the circle is gray, the Automatic function is turned off, if the circle is green - the Automatic function is turned on. When opening the settings of a specific car, you have the option to: - activate or deactivate Automatic payments for this license plate; - specify in which zones to activate Automatic payments; - specify whether to start Automatic payments for this license plate from the company account.
I have a subscription to one of the parking lots in the Automatic zone, what to do?
Note that the subscription is usually made for a person, not a vehicle number, so pay close attention to whether your vehicle is linked to Automatic payment. You can turn off the automatic payment in the app by going to the My Cars section of the settings and pressing on the pencil at the relevant car number. In order not to do Automatic payment with Mobilly for your chosen car, in the section Automatic Parking Settings press List of Automatic parkings and remove the check mark from the given zone. You can also call 1859*, Mobilly customer service will help you! * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
On a daily basis, I use a variety of EuroPark products, such as discount cards, QR code discounts, a short-term subscription, or a prepaid card, how do I use them in Automatic zones?
If you want to use any of these EuroPark products, you will not be able to pay with Mobilly, because the use of these products in Automatic zones is currently not possible. Remember to manually switch off the Automatic payment before entering the parking lot. You can turn off the Automatic payment in the app by going to the My Cars section of the settings. By pressing on the pencil at the respective vehicle number, open the Automatic Parking Settings section and press on the list of automatically paid zones, where you can deactivate Automatic use in the particular car park. You can also call 1859*, Mobilly customer service will help you. If next time in a particular Automatic zone you would like to pay with Mobilly, do not forget to turn the automatic payment back for this vehicle. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.