All questions
How long is the purchased code ticket valid?
Riga code ticket that has not been activated is valid for 3 months. The following tickets are available in the Mobilly app: • Monthly ticket – 30 EUR, valid for 30 days from the first activation; • Day tickets – 24 hours (5 EUR), 3 days (8 EUR) and 5 days (10 EUR) – valid according to the selected number of days; • Time ticket – 90-minute ticket (1.50 EUR) – valid for 90 minutes from the first activation. All time tickets and monthly tickets are valid for the selected number of days and hours. For example, a 3-day ticket will be valid for 3 x 24 hours from the first activation. The monthly ticket is valid for 30 days, i.e. 30 x 24 hours from first activation.
How can I get back money for a “Rīgas satiksme” code ticket that I have already bought?
Cancellation of code tickets is provided by Rīgas satiksme. If you have bought a ticket that is not planned to be used in the next 3 months, please contact Rigas satiksme Customer Service Centers. In case you have any questions, please, call us - 1859!
Can I activate more than one ticket in the same ride?
Yes, of course. When you get into public transport, activate as many tickets as necessary.
Can I transfer a purchased ticket to a different person?
Currently, transferring tickets to others is not possible, the ticket is tied to your Mobilly app and account.
What is a user key and what is it meant for?
In the app, in the Profile and settings section, you can find the "Rigas satiksme" settings section and there you will be able to manage your keys. This is a unique, encrypted code that allows each user to access the tickets you have purchased from your phone. If you want to transfer your tickets to another device, you can do so with this code. We recommend that you keep this code in a safe place away from your phone so that you can get back your tickets if you lose your device.
Top up your Mobilly account
Send an SMS to 1859 and select the command you need:
- Find out the account balance - KONTS - You will receive the account balance back;
- Top up Mobilly account - TOP XX - XX: the amount you want to top up. This command will only work if you have linked your payment card to your Mobilly account;
- Transfer money to another customer - SEND XX YYYYYYYY - XX: amount, YYYYYYYY: recipient’s phone number or nickname.
Create Mobilly account
Download the Mobilly app and enter your phone number. You will receive a password to the phone number you entered and by entering password in the app, you will complete the registration. To restore access to Mobilly account - PAROLE - Send a text message to 1859 and you will receive a password to get access to your account at or in the app.
Start payment for parking
Send an SMS to 1859 and choose the command you need:
- Start payment for parking – START AB1221 X – AB1221: car reg. number, X: tariff zone
- Start payment for parking for a certain period of time – START AB1221 X YY – AB1221: car reg. number, X: tariff zone, YY: desired parking time in minutes
- Start payment for parking from your private account if it is connected to a company – PSTART AB1221 X – AB1221: car reg. number, X: tariff zone
- Start payment for parking for the next morning in “Rīgas satiksme” parking lot – RSTART AB1221 X – AB1221: car reg. number, X: tariff zone
- Start payment for parking from Bite, Tele2 or LMT phone bill – MSTART AB1221 X – AB1221: car reg. number, X: tariff zone
Stop payment for parking
Send an SMS to 1859 and choose the command you need:
- Stop payment for parking – STOP
- Stop payment for parking if several cars are activated at the same time – STOP AB1221 X – AB1221: car reg. number, X: tariff zone
Other purchases
Send an SMS to 1859 and choose the command you need:
- Pay for purchase – PAY XX.XX YYYY – XX.XX: amount, YYYY: merchant identifier
- Buy a fishing permit in Alūksne – COPE AL NAME SURNAME – NAME SURNAME: Your name surname
Pay for taxi ride
Send an SMS to 1859 and choose the command you need:
- Pay for a taxi ride –TX XX.XX AA111 – XX.XX: amount, AA111: taxi identifier
- Pay for a taxi ride from your private account if it is connected to a company – PTX XX.XX AA111 – XX.XX: amount, AA111: taxi identifier
Frequently used commands
Find out the most frequently used commands – KOMANDA – Send a text message to 1859, you will receive an SMS with examples of the most frequently used commands
Why it’s easy to buy a permit in the Mobilly app?
The app makes it easy to monitor your permit expiration, settings and make any changes you need at any time. In parking lots with a number recognition system, one permit can be used for several cars, as well as automatic renewal of the permit is possible.
Is it possible to purchase a permit from a company account?
It is possible. If you already have a Mobilly company account, you can purchase a permit by opening the parking lot in the app where you want to buy a permit, click "Buy a permit", follow the instructions in the app and select payment from the company account. If your company does not have a Mobilly company account, then it is necessary to conclude an agreement. More information can be found here.
Is it possible to cancel my permit?
Contact our customer service for the possibility of canceling your permit by calling 22001859. We will check the type of permit you have purchased and we will contact the owner of the parking lot about the possibilities of cancellation.
How long is the permit valid?
Different types of permits are available in the parking lots - for 7 days, a month, etc. The permit is valid for the selected period from the moment of payment.
Can I use one permit for multiple cars?
Parking spaces are different, with different solutions. In parking lots that use a number recognition system, it is possible to add several cars to one permit. With a permit, only one of the cars can be parked at a time. In parking lots without such a system, the permit is linked to the car number. In situations where it is still necessary to change the car number in these parking lots, call 1859.
Do I need some kind of proof that I have a permit?
The permit will be on the phone. No card or other proof is required.
How can I buy a monthly permit?
You can do this quickly and easily in the Mobilly app. In the app open the parking lot where you want to buy a permit, click "Buy a permit" and follow the instructions in the app. If the possibility to pay for the permit is not indicated in the description of the zone, it is not possible to buy a permit in this parking lot.
In which parking lots can I buy monthly permits?
If it is possible to buy a monthly permit in the parking lot, the information about it will be indicated in the Mobilly app in the description of the parking lot.
Are there any Covid-19 restrictions on going to the museum?
Before going to the museum, please read the current epidemiological safety conditions on the museum's website or contact the museum by phone.
How can I cancel my purchased museum ticket?
The purchased museum ticket can be canceled within 24 hours after purchasing the ticket by calling 1859* or writing an e-mail to [email protected]. *The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
Is it possible to get discounts for certain groups of people when buying museum tickets with Mobilly?
Yes, it is possible to buy both full-paid and discounted museum tickets in the Mobilly app, for example, for students, pupils, seniors.
Can I buy multiple tickets at once?
Yes of course. Up to 9 tickets can be purchased in one purchase.
How and when is the purchased ticket checked?
The museum ticket is checked when a museum employee scan it at the entrance.
How long is the purchased museum ticket valid?
A purchased museum ticket is valid for 3 months. The museum ticket is activated when it is scanned at the entrance by a museum employee.
In which museums can I buy a ticket with Mobilly?
You can find a list of all museums here or in the Mobilly app in the section "Other", "Museums and exhibitions".
How can I buy a museum ticket using Mobilly app?
Download the app or update to the latest version. In the menu bar, click on "Other" and select "Museums and Exhibitions". Choose the museum you want to go to and buy a ticket. You will need to show the QR code ticket at the entrance to the museum.
How do I get a refund for unused code tickets?
We recommend you to buy tickets based on your driving habits, and do not purchase tickets that you are unlikely to use. However, if code tickets have been purchased, but it is not possible to use them within 3 months from the moment of purchase, an application must be submitted to SIA "Rīgas satiksme" for a refund, indicating the customer's identification code and/or mobile phone number, as well as the bank account number, if you want to receive the refund by bank transfer. The application can be submitted to one of the "Rīgas satiksme" customer service centers or by sending it signed with a secure electronic signature to [email protected].
In which parking lots can you pay with Mobilly?
At the moment, Mobilly can be used to pay for more than 380 parking lots in Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja and elsewhere in Latvia, as well as for more than 160 “Ühisteenused AS” parking lots in Estonia's largest cities - Tallinn, Tartu, Narva and others. The list of active parking spaces on a map can be viewed here.
In which car parks in Estonia can you pay with Mobilly?
Mobilly can be used to pay for the majority of car parks of the parking operator “Ühisteenused AS” throughout Estonia. A full list of car parks are available on the app.
How to pay for parking in Estonia with Mobilly?
To pay with Mobilly app: 1. Download the app to your phone. Enter your phone number in the app. You will receive the password in text message format. Enter it on the app to register your account! 2. Top up your Mobilly account by adding a bank card, with Google Pay or Apple Pay, or with online banking! 3. On the app, select the CAR section, select the tariff zone, provide your car number and tap on START*. * Before that, make sure that you have a sufficient balance in your Mobilly account. 4. To stop the payment for the car park, tap on STOP. To add the payment to the mobile phone bill: 1. On the app, select the CAR section Parking and select the tariff zone, provide your car number and tap on ADD TO YOUR BILL*. * An additional fee is applied for such service (0.25 EUR, for Tele2 clients – 0,35 EUR) 2. To stop the payment for the car park, tap on STOP. Payment can also be made from the company account.
Is it possible to pay for car parks of “Ühisteenused AS” by text message?
It is not possible to pay for car parks of “Ühisteenused AS” by text message.
What should I do if I have received a ticket in a car park of “Ühisteenused AS”?
If you have received a ticket, contact us first by calling +371 22001859 or writing to [email protected]. Keep in mind that while in Estonia you can only call us on the extended telephone number – +371 22001859.
Is it possible to pay for car parks of “Ühisteenused AS” from a company account?
Yes, payments can also be made from the company account.
Can there be an active payment for a car park in Latvia and a car park of “Ühisteenused AS” in Estonia at the same time?
You can pay for several parked cars in Latvia and Estonia at the same time. You can find the active payment for parking in the relevant country section.
How is the car park tariff zone of “Ühisteenused AS” marked?
The car park tariff zone of “Ühisteenused AS” is provided at the entrance to the car park on the road sign or on the additional plate under the car park road sign.
Is additional commission applied for paying for the car park of “Ühisteenused AS”?
An additional transaction fee in the amount of EUR 0.32 is applied to payments for the car park.
Can electric cars use the car parks of “Ühisteenused AS” for free?
When parking electric cars registered in Latvia you have to pay for parking as usual, just like for other vehicles. Car parks can be used free of charge by electric cars registered in Estonia with parking permits issued by the municipality.
What are the conditions for using the car parks for people with disabilities?
In private car parks payment for parking must be made as usual, while in municipal car parks, cars with a disabled parking permit may be parked free of charge.
When can I make purchases using Mobilly and pay straight from the payment card?
We have set the minimum top up amount, which is EUR 3.00. If the purchase is worth less than EUR 3.00, the missing amount will not be withdrawn from the card right away, and it is necessary to top up your Mobilly account with at least EUR 3.00. If the shortage exceeds EUR 3.00, we will automatically withdraw this amount from the added payment card. For example, if the ticket costs EUR 1.15, we recommend to top up your Mobilly account by EUR 3.45, thus securing funds in your Mobilly account to purchase three tickets. In the case of questions, do not hesitate to call 1859
What discounts are available on train tickets?
For tickets sold through the Unified Ticket System: With the gradual introduction of the unified public transport ticketing system, the discount for tickets purchased electronically for all routes on the Riga-Tukums, Riga-Skulte, Riga - Sigulda - Valga and Riga - Jelgava - Liepāja railway lines is changing - train tickets for those lines cheaper via the Mobilly application. • 50% or 90% discount – when buying a ticket with a 3+ Family Card or Family of Honour Certificate. • Free ticket - ticket with 100% discount – these tickets can only be purchased at train passenger carrier "Vivi" ticket offices and on the train at the conductor's controller. For tickets not sold through the Unified Ticket System: • 5% discount applies to all train tickets available electronically – one-way ticket, baggage ticket, as well as the tickets already subject to other discounts, including “3+ Family” ticket with 50% or 90% discount and baggage ticket. This discount does not apply when buying the ticket at the counter. • 10% discount – from 15 January 2020, electronically sold one-way tickets with a fare from 2.50 euros (inclusive) are subject to a 10% discount, whereas for e-tickets, the price of which is lower than 2.50 euros, the discount remains at 5%. This discount does not apply when buying the ticket at the counter. • 50% or 90% discount – when buying a ticket with a 3+ Family Card or Family of Honour Certificate. • Free ticket - ticket with 100% discount – these tickets can only be purchased at train passenger carrier "Vivi" ticket offices and on the train at the conductor's controller.
How can I get a discount on electronically sold train tickets?
The train ticket prices posted on the Mobilly application or the website have already been calculated with a discount applicable to electronically sold tickets. Additionally to these discounts, “3+ Family” 50% or 90% discount is also available on the same purchase.
Why do I need to enter my personal code in the app?
Mobilly, when starting and providing services, is obliged to carry out your personal identification and, in accordance with the requirements of the law, to obtain your name, surname and personal identification number (if there is none - date of birth) and other information in accordance with Mobilly electronic cash account opening and servicing contract. Mobilly, as a financial institution, is supervised by Latvijas Banka. Šāda veida klienta identifikācija nepieciešama, jo Mobilly ir jāizpilda gan “Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation” requirements, as well as the requirements of other regulatory acts, which prohibit the possibility for a person to conduct transactions anonymously or using fake data.
How do I credit the prepayment to my company Mobilly account?
In order to start using the Mobilly services, you need to make a payment to our company details: Bank: AS Swedbank Current account: LV10HABA0551010805346 Bank: AS Citadele banka Current account: LV02PARX0009726030004 By indicating in the payment order - account top-up and company name or contract number.
How to pay for charging with SMS via phone invoice?
Payment for charging with SMS is available at E-mobi stations only. In order to start charging: 1. Prepare your car for charging 2. Send an SMS message to 1859 with text: MSTART nozzle code* (Example: MSTART 0993E) 3. When a reply is received, follow the instructions at the charging station 4. Select on the screen of the charging station, which connector you will use 5. Place the connector in the charging socket 6. Wait for approval to start charging To stop the charging: 1. Send the text to 1859: STOP 2. When you receive a reply, disconnect the nozzle of the connector from the car and place it in the place provided for such. *SMS codes are specified on the Charging stations, the mobile application and in the Portal. Payment by SMS is possible only with a Latvian phone number.
How to pay for charging with the Mobilly application?
1. Prepare your car for charging. 2. Supplement the Mobilly account from the attached bank card, with Google Pay or Apple Pay. 3. Scan the QR code available in the charging station, or in the Mobilly application, open the CAR section and select the necessary station. 4. Select the connector, press START CHARGING and follow the instructions in the charging station. At certain stations, it is necessary to attach the connector to the car first and then activate the charging. 5. When charging is complete, press STOP in the app and remove the connector.
What is Mobilly e-charging?
Mobilly e-charging is a service that provides the possibility to pay for electric car charging by using the Mobilly application. Mobilly cooperates with all the biggest charging networks and currently, it is possible to conveniently pay with the Mobilly application for electric car charging services in more than 1155 charging stations – 655 in Latvia, 300 in Lithuania and 200 stations in Estonia! More than 2,722 charging plugs or connectors are available for charging at these stations. Enefit, Eleport, “e-mobi” CSDD network stations, Ignitis ON, Virši, Energolukss, Elektrum Drive and other charging stations offered by public and private partners are available on the application, providing a wide charging network throughout the Baltics. Before using the charging station, the customer must familiarise themselves with the terms of use of the service provider of the respective station.
How to find charging stations?
Scan the Mobilly QR code located on the charging station or open the CAR section in the Mobilly app and if your device is GPS enabled, it will display nearby charging stations. The required station can also be found on the general list of charging stations.
How much does Mobilly e-charging cost?
Charging price depends on the charging station service provider. You can see the charging prices of each station on the Mobilly application. Payment is made from the Mobilly account. Before the commencement of charging, please, check whether you have sufficient funds in the Mobilly account. If the Mobilly account runs out of money during the charging process, charging will be stopped and payment will be made for the active charging period. You can become acquainted with the CSDD charging network here.
How can I start using the new Mobilly app?
You can start using the new app by updating your existing app in your app store. The new app is supported on Android 9.0 or newer and on iOS 15.6 and newer versions. All settings will remain in the new app. If you encounter any issues, call us on 22001859.
What’s changed in the new app?
In the Car section you will now find all things related to driving – parking, car washes and EV charging. The map in the Car section helps conveniently plan your route and find your destination. Intercity section – here you can purchase intercity train and bus tickets. They will now be combined in one section. Train and bus routes can be easily distinguished by their icon colours: blue for trains and green for busses. Cities – in this section you can purchase digital tickets for Riga public transport and public transport passes for Jelgava. And there is more: from now on, the app offers Riga public transport schedules and a real-time map for convenient planning of your journey and your time. Others – here you will find other familiar and frequently used services, such as donations to charities, RIX Fast Track, museum tickets, etc. Topping up your account – in addition to the existing Mobilly topping up options, you can now also use Apple Pay and Google Pay. Payment method menu changes - in the new app, you will have to select the payment method before paying for the service. More details about the new app can be found here.
What to note in the new app if I have a company account?
If you have a company account, please note that from now on payment from company account will have to be selected before paying for the service.
Can I continue using the old Mobilly app?
The users will be able to keep using the old Mobilly app, however it will no longer be supported after some time, its features will be restricted and updating to the new app will be required.
The new app is not working for me, what should I do?
If you encounter any issues, please get in touch with us on 22001859 or at [email protected].
How to create Mobilly account?
You can create Mobilly account: • by downloading Mobilly application and registering with Mobilly, indicating your phone number; • by sending a message with the word JAUNS to 1859 and receiving a password in the reply, by which you will be able to register on website under My Profile; • by calling 1859 * and the operator will register you. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
How do I supplement my Mobilly account?
Mobilly account can be supplemented by: • Adding a bank payment card in the My Card section of the application and then making a Mobilly account supplement; • In the app menu, in the Mobilly wallet section, or in the home view, by pressing the plus sign next to your account balance and selecting Top up with bank account - this is how you can top up the Mobilly wallet via the internet bank; • In the app menu, in the Mobilly wallet section, or in the home view, by pressing the plus sign next to your account balance and selecting Top up with Google Pay or Apple Pay; • In Mobilly profile, when registering on with your phone number and Mobilly password - you can supplement your account by on-line bank transfer or add a bank payment card in the section Supplementing;
What services can I pay adding to my phone bill?
If you are a Tele2, LMT or Bite postpaid customer, you can add to your phone bill: • payments for parking using a Mobilly application or sending SMS; • entry fee in Jurmala by using Mobilly application or sending SMS. • payments for Riga transport tickets using Mobilly application; • payments for bus tickets using Mobilly application; • payments for train tickets using Mobilly application; • payment for charging an electric vehicle via by sending SMS or calling 1859*. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
How do I open Mobilly Company Account?
In order to activate Mobilly Company Account, you need to sign a contract*. The dcontract must be signed with a secure electronic signature and sent to [email protected] or submitted in person at the Mobilly office, Dzirnavu Street 91, k3 – 20, presenting an personal identity document. Once we have received the contract, we will create a Mobilly account for your company and will send access data to the e-mail specified in the contract. See the contract HERE! * If you need help, please feel free to call us - 1859 or +371 22001859. The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan.
How do I buy a train ticket?
You can buy the ticket on Mobilly website under Train tickets or on Mobilly app. In the application, select the Intercity section, select the desired route and trip, and press Buy ticket*. * Before that, make sure that you have sufficient balance in your Mobilly account.
How do I buy a bus ticket?
You can buy the ticket on the Mobilly website under Buses or on Mobilly app in your phone. In the Intercity section, select the desired route and trip and press BUY. If you are a postpaid customer of LMT, Bite or Tele2 and allowed to take premium rate services, then on Mobilly app you will be able to pay for bus tickets by adding the amount to the phone bill.
How much costs parking when paid with Mobilly?
In most parking lots, the prices are exactly the same as paying at the pay-machines according to the tariff. There is an additional transaction fee for street parking (A, B, C, D, R, V zones) and at the airport (RIX zone) - the financial transaction fee is 0.19 - 0.49 EUR, which is determined based on the parking session fee. In Cityparks Latvija parking lots, the financial transaction fee is applied according to the transaction amount: for an amount up to EUR 5.00 - EUR 0.19, for an amount over EUR 5.00 - EUR 0.29. For legal entities and payments to the mobile operator's bill, VAT is additionally applied.
How to start using Automatic payment with Mobilly?
Initially, on the Mobilly application, in the Car section, open a tariff zone and add your vehicle number to Automatic or the automatic payment. Or in the menu you can go to section My cars and by clicking on the circle with the letter A, you will have activated Automatic payment. If you have already entered the Automatic zone, you will be asked whether you are currently in the relevant tariff zone and want to start paying. If you are in the zone shown in the app, press START and wait until the active payment clock appears. If you are not currently in the tariff zone, press CANCEL. If you are not currently in the parking lot and have activated the Automatic payment, then the next time you drive to the parking lot, the entry barrier will open itself and the payment will start automatically – you will not even have to opened the app. In the My Cars section of the app, you can change the Automatic settings to indicate in which Automatic zones you want to allow automatic payment start. Before leaving the Automatic area, make sure you have added your bank card to Mobilly account.
I have started to pay for parking on Mobilly. How will the controller know that the payment is ongoing?
The parking controllers are doing checkups in Mobilly system. By entering the vehicle numbers into the parking control device, the controller will be able to see whether the vehicle is being paid for or not.
What is the time period when paid entrance to Jurmala applies?
Entrance fee for Jurmala is applied from February 1, 2024 and from this date, you will have to pay for entry to Jurmala throughout the year.
What taxi services can be paid by Mobilly?
With Mobilly you can pay for Baltic Taxi rides.
How do I pay for “FAST TRACK”?
The most convenient way to pay for the FAST TRACK service is in the app. You will find this service in the "Other" section of the app. Payment is also possible via SMS: Send SMS command to 1859*. •SMS command for individuals: PFAST space NUMBER OF PERSONS** For example, PFAST 3 •SMS command to add the payment to the companyinvoice***: FAST Space PERSON NUMBER** For example, FAST 3 * SMS service is only available for numbers registered in Latvia ** Children under 12 years of age: "FAST TRACK" service is free of charge when traveling with someone who bought the service *** In order for the service to be available to the company's employees, the "FAST TRACK" service should be activated in the Mobilly Company Account.
Can I create Mobilly account if I have a foreign phone number?
Yes, you can. The Mobilly app is available with phone numbers from European Union countries, Great Britain, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Ukraine.
How do I add my bank card to my Mobilly account?
You can add your bank card: • In the Mobilly application, under Mobilly wallet; • On Mobilly website by logging in to your profile and adding at least € 2.50 in the section Supplementing. The following cards can be added to the Mobilly system: VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard, Maestro (only via * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
How much does it cost to pay for parking on Mobilly if you add the payment to your phone bill?
When the payment is stopped, the mobile operator charges a transaction service fee of 0,25 EUR, for Tele2 clients – 0,35 EUR. The parking rate does not change when paying by phone bill - in most parking lots, the prices are exactly the same as paying at the pay-machines according to the tariff. There is an additional transaction fee for street parking (A, B, C, D, R, V zones) and at the airport (RIX zone) - the financial transaction fee is 0.19 - 0.49 EUR, which is determined based on the parking session fee. In Cityparks Latvija parking lots, the financial transaction fee is applied according to the transaction amount: for an amount up to EUR 5.00 - EUR 0.19, for an amount over EUR 5.00 - EUR 0.29. For legal entities and payments to the mobile operator's bill, VAT is additionally applied.
How long does it take to activate Mobilly Company Account?
Once we receive a signed contract, within 3 working days at the latest, we will enter the data into Mobilly system by activating your Mobilly Company Account. We will send the Company Account access information to the e-mail specified in the contract.
Can I buy a train ticket by adding the payment to the mobile phone bill?
Yes, LMT, Bite an Tele2 customers can buy train tickets on Mobilly app and pay for them as added to the phone bill. Choose the required train ticket on Mobilly app, and instead of to Buy Ticket, press PAY ADDING TO PHONE BILL - then you will have bought a train ticket and its price together with a commission (0,25 EUR, for Tele2 clients – 0,35 EUR) will be added to your mobile phone bill.
How long is the bus ticket valid?
The bus ticket bought is valid only for the trip selected upon buying.
Can a phone number attached to the Mobilly Company Account make payment from a Mobilly Private Account?
Yes. Although the phone number is attached to the Company Account, for all services you can also pay as a private person by adding your bank card and supplementing the Mobilly account or making payment as added to your phone bill.
Can the Automatic zones be paid as added to the phone bill?
No, the Mobilly Automatic zones cannot be paid as added to the mobile phone bill.
When does Mobilly warn that the controller has started checking the vehicle?
If you have parked your vehicle in the EuroPark Latvia tariff zone and the controller has already started checking the vehicle, as soon as you want to activate the payment for parking, Mobilly will warn you that the payment for parking has not been started, because the EuroPark controller has already started checkup of your vehicle. If you receive such a notice, then you should be aware that the payment on Mobilly for this vehicle is denied all day and that the controller most likely has already issued a penalty. Notification of the fact that the controller of “Rigas Satiksme” has started your vehicle checkup will be sent to you from Mobilly only if you try to start paying for parking within 15 minutes after the controller has already checked up your car. After these 15 minutes you will be able to initiate the payment again even if you have already received a message about the unpaid use of postpayable parking. ! If you have forgotten to start payment for parking and do not know if the controller has already done the vehicle checkup, you can call 1859 * and ask our operator to check if your car has been checked up. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
What is the fee for entering Jurmala?
The one-time entrance fee to Jurmala is 3 EUR*. * The financial transaction fee is EUR 0.17 and 0.21 EUR incl. VAT for legal entities.
How do I pay a taxi ride on Mobilly?
On Mobilly app 1. In the app, select the Taxi section and select the carrier. 2. Enter the taxi number and service amount. 3. Press PAY *. By SMS Send SMS to 1859 with: TX space AMOUNT space ID, where: 1. AMOUNT * - Travel Fee 2. ID - Taxi number on the front panel of the taxi. If you are traveling with Baltic Taxi, it will start with the letters BT. Example of SMS: TX 4.56 BT999 * Before that, make sure there is a sufficient balance on your Mobilly account.
How much does “FAST TRACK” cost?
FAST TRACK service costs EUR 10 per person. For children under 12 years of age, the FAST TRACK service is free of charge when traveling with someone who has bought the service.
What is my user number?
Mobilly User Number is your phone number.
What is my password? How do I get a password?
When registering with Mobilly, you will receive a password in the form of SMS to the phone number you indicated during registration. If the message is deleted, you can reset the password by sending a message to 1859 with the text PAROLE or JAUNS.
How do I change my password?
The password can be changed at Mobilly website by logging into your profile. You can change the password in Profile -> Settings -> Change Password. If you forget your password, you can restore it by sending a message to 1859 with the text PAROLE or JAUNS.
Do I have to fill in all information about me when I register?
Mobilly, when starting and providing services, is obliged to carry out your personal identification and, in accordance with the requirements of the law, to obtain your name, surname and personal identification number (if there is none - date of birth) and other information in accordance with Mobilly electronic cash account opening and servicing contract. Mobilly, as a financial institution, is supervised by Latvijas Banka. Šāda veida klienta identifikācija nepieciešama, jo Mobilly ir jāizpilda gan “Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation” requirements, as well as the requirements of other regulatory acts, which prohibit the possibility for a person to conduct transactions anonymously or using fake data. In order for the service to function properly and in case of uncertainty Mobilly would have the necessary data, we ask you to provide all the requested information.
Where can I get a report of my transactions?
In order to receive a report on your transactions with Mobilly, you must register on and in the My Profile section provide the phone number and the password. If you need to get a password, send SMS with the text PAROLE to 1859. The Transaction Report is in the Statement -> Transactions section • In sections from, to, specify the time period for which you want to receive a report. • In the Add business details section, you can add company details, if necessary. Press Send and you will be informed about the transactions you have made. By pressing the printer image, you will get the report of your transactions including VAT. If you have any questions, call 1859 or +371 22001859!
Will the transaction report show the amounts both including and less VAT, as required for accounting?
Yes, in order to get such a report on transactions with Mobilly, you have to register at and in My Profile section enter the phone number and password. If you need to get a password, send SMS with the text PAROLE to 1859. The Transaction Report is in the section Statement -> Transactions • In sections from, to, indicate the time period for which you want to receive the report. • In the section Add business details, you can add company details, if necessary. Press Send and you will be informed about the transactions made. By pressing the printer image you will receive a transaction report with VAT. If you have any questions, call 1859 or +371 22001859!
I’ve changed my phone number. How do I proceed to continue using Mobilly?
In Mobilly system, every customer is identified by the phone number. If you have changed your phone number, you need to create a new Mobilly account. If there is any balance left in the old Mobilly account, you can transfer it to the new Mobilly account by registering in Mobilly with the old phone number. In section Transfer, you can transfer money to your new or another user’ s Mobilly account. If it is possible to send SMS from the old phone number, the money can be transferred to another account by sending SMS to 1859 with: SEND XX.XX YYYYYYYY, where XX.XX - amount, YYYYYYYY - recipient's phone number. If it is not possible to access the old phone number or the old Mobilly account password is not available, you can fill in the Mobilly account closure form and send it to [email protected] or Mobilly office in Riga, Dzirnavu street 91 k-3-20, LV-1011.
How do I delete my Mobilly account?
You can delete your private Mobilly account by registering on Mobilly website with your phone number and permanent password. In the Profile section, press the Delete account button. If it is not possible to access the old phone number or Mobilly account password is not available, you can fill in the Mobilly account closure form and send it to [email protected] or Mobilly office in Riga, Dzirnavu Street 91, k-3 -20, LV-1011.
Can I supplement my Mobilly account with a company bank card?
Yes, you can. Mobilly recommends concluding a company contract, as then you will receive a post-pay bill every month, so you won’t need to add your company card to your Mobilly profile.
Can I add any bank card to my account?
You can add the following bank cards to your Mobilly account: VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard, Maestro (only via Please bear in mind that some types of foreign bank cards may not be possible to use.
I can’t add my bank card to my Mobilly account. What should I do?
For a specific reason, call 1859*. The most common reasons why you can't add a bank card to Mobilly account: • there are not enough funds on the bank payment card; • an incorrect bank card number or expiration date has been entered; • unvalid on-line banking data entered at the time of authorization. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
I have supplemented my Mobilly account, but I do not see the money I have credited to my account. What should I do?
Send the bank payment order to [email protected], specifying the phone number whose account you wanted to supplement. We’ll help you solve this situation.
Can I receive information from you on how much money I have paid to my Mobilly account during the relevant period?
Yes, you can get this information by signing up on Mobilly website and entering your phone number and Mobilly password in the section My Profile. You will find the information about the account supplements made in the section Statement -> Balance.
What is the minimum and maximum amount of supplementing the Mobilly Private Account ?
The minimum amount is € 3.00, and maximum - € 150.
How do I recover the money paid into my Mobilly account?
In order to recover the money paid, you must fill in and sign the Mobilly Cash Repayment Form. It should be electronically signed and sent to [email protected] or sent by post to Mobilly office address: Dzirnavu Street 91, k-3-20, Riga, LV-1011. As soon as we receive the application, we will make the cash repayment.
What should be taken into account when making payment by adding to the phone bill?
When making payment by adding to the phone bill, it should be taken into account that mobile operators Bite, Tele2 and LMT apply a single transaction limit to their customers. Bite customers have a private limit*, which the customer specifies when entering into a contract with Bite or Bite profile; One transaction limit for Tele2 customers is 30 EUR*; One transaction limit for LMT customers is 50 EUR*. * If the customer has reached the limit of one transaction, then the payment has to be started again in order to continue the payment. In addition to the single transaction limit, the operator also sets the customer's total monthly transaction limit. Please contact your operator to find out your monthly limit.
Do I have to activate my Mobilly account to have the payment added to my phone bill?
If your mobile operator allows you to have postpay transactions added to the phone bill, you will not have to activate Mobilly account to pay with Mobilly. Just start making payments by adding them to the phone bill: • Send SMS to 1859 with the text MSTART AUTO Z, where AUTO - the vehicle registration number and Z - the tariff zone letter or letters where your vehicle is parked; • On Mobilly application - when you have selected the tariff zone, in which your vehicle is parked and indicated the vehicle number you want to pay for, press the button Pay adding to the bill.
How do you know how long I was away and what amount to add to my phone bill?
At the time Mobilly informs you about a successful start of parking, Mobilly will start the time recording. When you come back to the vehicle and stop the payment on the app or send SMS to 1859 with STOP, Mobilly will stop the payment and the amount for the parking time will be added to your mobile phone bill.
How do I pay the parking period fee as added to my phone bill?
The payment for the period by adding it to the phone bill will be generated automatically as soon as the amount corresponding to the time period fee is reached. Just start paying as usual: • by sending SMS to 1859 with the text MSTART AUTO Z, where AUTO - vehicle registration number and Z - the tariff zone letter or letters, where your car is parked; • On Mobilly app - After you have chosen the tariff zone where your car is parked and the vehicle number you want to pay for, press the button Pay adding to phone bill. The Mobilly system will start charging payment for parking on the basis of time recording, and as soon as the amount of the fee for the parking period is reached, the system will not charge more than specified in the description of the tariff zone. When you return to your vehicle, stop the payment as usual, and Mobilly will add this amount to your phone bill along with the operator's transaction fee of 0.25 EUR, for Tele2 clients – 0,35 EUR.
Where can I get information on payments made as added to the phone bill?
In order to get a report on the transactions carried out in Mobilly system as added to the phone bill, you must register on Mobilly website under My Profile, where you have to enter your phone number and the permanent Mobilly password. If you need a password, send SMS with the text PAROLE to 1859. The Transaction Report can be found in the Statement -> Transactions adding to phone bill. Indicate the desired period in the section from, to, press Send, and you will receive the required report. By pressing the printer image, you will receive a transaction report including VAT.
I’ve always paid for parking by adding the amount to the phone bill, but now I get a refusal. Why so?
To find out the exact reason, call 1859*. The most common reasons for refusing payment as added to the phone bill are the following: • The customer has changed the mobile phone operator; • The mobile phone operator's tariff plan has been changed, which does not allow postpayment by adding to the phone bill; • The last payment made has not been successfully added to the phone bill. • The limit of the amount set by the mobile phone operator has been reached, as to how much can be added to the phone bill. Information on limits can be found here: What should be taken into account when starting a payment by adding it to the phone bill? * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
It is not possible to make a payment by adding it to the phone bill; I get the answer from Mobilly that the payment was not made because the last transaction has not been successful. Why so?
To find out the exact reason, call 1859*. The most common reasons why the last transaction is not added to your phone bill: • The customer has changed the mobile phone operator; • The operator has not authorized the payment by adding it to the phone bill; • The limit of the amount set by the mobile phone operator has been reached. Information on limits can be found here: What should be taken into account when starting a payment wth the phone bill? * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
The Contract has been concluded. How do I add phone numbers to my Mobilly Company Account? How is Mobilly used?
To add phone numbers to your Company Account, you must register on Mobilly website, specifying Mobilly account access details in My Account -> Companies. Use the Profile section to add phone or vehicle numbers. Once you have added the specified phone number, the employee will be able to start payment for parking from the Company Account. You can also make the following changes to the Profile section: 1. Specify the specific vehicle numbers that will be paid by the phone numbers attached to the Company Account, 2. Edit the authorized services that employees will be able to pay from the Company Account, 3. Edit the allowed time and days when employees will be able to pay from the Company Account.
Can I also pay for parking from my Mobilly Private Account using the phone number attached to Mobilly Company Account?
Yes, the same phone number can make a payment from both the Company Account and the Private Account. The most convenient way to pay is to start from the mobile app. To start a payment from your Private Account, before pressing START button, you must indicate that the payment will be made from the Private Account - Mobilly wallet. You can start payment for parking from your Private Account, also by sending SMS to 1859 with the text PSTART AUTO ZONE, where AUTO - the vehicle number for parking of which you want to pay, ZONA - the tariff zone where the car is parked. To stop the payment for parking started, send SMS to 1859 with the text: STOP.
Can I set different settings for phone numbers added to my Mobilly account?
No, all employees linked to the Company Account will have the same settings.
Can I add my cell phone number to two different Company Accounts?
No, the same phone number in Mobilly system can be attached to only one Company Account.
How can I control employees’ spending in Mobilly?
The company contact person can determine which services can be paid by employees, as well as limit the payments to specific vehicles and set the time limit. Restrictions can be imposed by authorizing in Mobilly Company Account with the company access data. In the Profile section, you can make the following changes: 1. Indicate particular vehicle numbers that can be paid from phone numbers attached to your Company Account, if necessary, 2. Edit authorized services that employees will be able to pay from the Company Account, 3. Edit allowed time and days when employees will be able to pay from the Company Account. You can get detailed reports on the transactions you have made in the section Statement -> Transactions. To make other changes to your Company Account, send a description of the required changes to [email protected].
An employee who has been referred to as our contact person so far will no longer work with us. What do we need to do to change the contact person?
From the e-mail specified in the contract a letter should be sent in free form to [email protected] with information about the changes to be made.
I wish to inform you that our company is changing its e-mail. What should I do?
From the e-mail specified in the contract a letter should be sent in free form to [email protected] with information about the changes to be made.
The company has the Mobilly Company Account, but its registration number has been changed. What should I do to continue using Mobilly services?
If the company changes its registration number, it is necessary to conclude a new company contract. If you need further information, please call 1859*. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
How do I make a parking payment from my Company Account on the app?
To make a payment on Mobilly app: 1. Choose the tariff zone where you want to park, 2. Indicate the number of the vehicle you want to pay for from your Company Account, 3. In the menu next to the START button, select Company Account, 4. Press the START button, 5. Wait for confirmation that the payment has been started. Press STOP to stop payment.
How do I make a payment from my Company Account via SMS?
If your phone number is attached to your Company Account, then to start a payment from your Company Account, send SMS to 1859 with the text: START space AUTO space ZONE where AUTO - vehicle number, ZONE - the parking zone indicated on the payment machine or on the poster at the parking lot. Order example: START XY1209 B
Is it possible to pay for two vehicles at once from the Company Account?
Yes, it is possible to pay for unlimited number of vehicles from the Company Account. If you pay on the app, then after you have activated the payment for the first vehicle in the parking lot, to start payment for another one, move the screen a little lower, where you will be able to re-select the necessary tariff zone for the other car and activate it, just like the first one. If you make a payment via SMS, send a separate message for each car to 1859 with the text: START space AUTO space ZONE where AUTO - vehicle number, ZONE - the parking zone indicated on the payment machine or on the poster at the parking lot. Order example: START XY1209 B ! To stop payment, send a separate message for each vehicle to 1859 with STOP AUTO, where AUTO is the number of the vehicle the payment for which is to be stopped.
I want to pay for a car park from my Company Account, but I can’t. What should I do?
To clarify the reason, call 1859 * or 22001859. The most common reasons why you're unable to pay from your Company Account are following: • The Company has refused payment for the service you have chosen from Mobilly account; • The company has limited the time of payment for the service you have chosen, allowing it to do so only on certain days and times; • The credit limit for the Mobilly account has been reached; • The Mobilly Company Account has been blocked; • The phone number from which you want to pay for the selected service is not attached to Mobilly Company Account. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
What other payment options do you offer to the owners of legal entity accounts, except the payment for parking?
You can pay from the company account: • parking lots; • entry fee in Jurmala; • Riga transport tickets; • bus tickets; • train tickets; • electric car charging; • Puto car wash services. You can find more information about available services here.
How can I close my Mobilly Company Account?
From the e-mail specified in the contract a letter should be sent in free form to [email protected] with information about closing the account, indicating the company name and the date you want to close the Company Account.
Is it possible to restore the closed Mobilly Company Account?
No, it is desirable to conclude a new contract. The contract form can be found here -
Is it necessary to make any deposits or account supplements to start using Mobilly Company Account?
No, Mobilly grants a credit limit to the company that can be spent within a month to pay for the required services. One phone number is granted a credit limit of 50 EUR - if two phone numbers are attached to the Company Account, the total amount of credit limit you will be able to use to pay from your Company Account will be 100 EUR. On the first days of the month, we send an invoice to all companies to be paid within the deadline specified on the invoice. Once the invoice is paid, you will be able to spend the credit again.
For what period of time is the company credit limit granted?
The credit limit is granted from the moment you create your Mobilly Company Account until you make the payment to the invoice. After payment, the invoiced amount is deleted and you can start using the credit limit again.
How will the company know that the credit limit has been reached or will be reached soon?
Mobilly sends two types of messages to the e-mail specified in the company contract: • The first message is sent when the company credit limit amount -is less than EUR 25, • The second message is sent when the credit limit is spent.
What should be done when a company has received an email about reaching the credit limit and suspending payment for parking?
The contact person of the company can contact Mobilly by calling 1859 * and during the phone call agree on increasing the credit limit or write a letter to [email protected] from the e-mail address indicated in the company contract. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
Where can I get acquainted with invoices, accounting documents and reports? How do I pay the invoice?
On the first working day of each month Mobilly prepares an e-invoice, which can be viewed in your Mobilly Company Account on The invoice is automatically sent to the contact via e-mail. 1. "Amount for payment" is the amount to be transferred to the invoice issuer SIA Mobilly to the bank account indicated. The total amount shown below the service list table may differ from the "Amount for payment" if a smaller or larger amount than needed has been paid for the invoice of the previous month. 2. SIA Mobilly has already settled with the Partners, therefore only the requisites of SIA “Mobilly” have to be presented in the declaration. Partner Information is informative. 3. More detailed information on phone and vehicle numbers, as well as individual transactions, can be viewed by signing up for Mobilly Company Account on under Statement.
Is it possible to change the date of payment of Mobilly invoice?
Yes, it is. To change the invoice payment date, contact Mobilly by calling 1859* or writing an informative letter from the e-mail indicated in the company contract to [email protected]. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
Which of the amounts specified in the invoice must be paid and to which account should it be sent?
The amount specified at the bottom of the table at the SUMMA APMAKSAI must be paid. The bank account to which the money is to be transferred is on the top of the invoice on the left-hand side of the issuer’s details.
If you have any questions, call 1859* or 22001859.
* The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
Do you always have to pay the invoice from the bank account specified in the company contract?
In order to make a successful payment, it is recommended that you make payments from the bank account specified in the contract. In case you want to pay from another bank account, please indicate in your payment order the invoice number you want to pay for. If the company changes the bank account it pays the invoices, please, inform Mobilly about it by writing an informative letterl to [email protected]
We would like to know why the amount spent as indicated in the invoice of this month does not match the amount to be paid?
Such situations are possible in cases where previous invoices are not paid correctly, indicating a lower or higher amount than the amount spent in the respective month. In case you have made an advance payment, the system probably has not yet regenerated the information before sending new invoices. In such cases, please contact us by calling 1859* or sending an e-mail to [email protected] so that we can find out the cause of the problem. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
We want to compare the balance of our Company Account. What do we need to do to get this information from Mobilly?
If the accountancy of the company requires comparison of the account balance, the accountant may create a comparative act and send it electronically to [email protected] or to the address indicated in the contract. We will compare the information provided in the Comparison Act with what we see in our system and send it back to you.
What happens if the invoice is not paid within the specified deadline?
If the invoice is not paid in time, Mobilly has the right to block the Company Account until the invoice is paid, which means that the employees of the company will not be able to start payment for parking from the Company Account.
How soon can I unblock my Company Account after settlement?
If the customer communicates with us during the business day, the account will be unblocked upon payment of the invoice as soon as the incoming bank payments are checked.
How to restore the password of my Company Account?
In order to receive a renewed Company Account password, Mobilly needs to receive an email from the contact person specified in the contract. Send e-mail to [email protected].
How do I change the password of my Company Account?
When you sign up for Mobilly on your Company Account, you will be able to change your password at Contact Information by pressing the Change Password button in the Profile section.
How to determine if the customer is attached to the Company Account?
The Mobilly application will display information about the company to which the client is attached in the particular user profile. The contact person of the company can also make sure of all the phone numbers attached to the Company Account by registering on Mobilly website, indicating the company username and password. You can view the attached phone numbers in the Profile section.
Which vehicle numbers can be paid from the Company Account?
If the person responsible for the company profile has not specified any vehicle number, then the company employee will be able to pay for any vehicle number from the phone number attached to the Company Account. If at least one vehicle number is listed in the company profile, it will only be possible to pay just for that one from the Company Account.
How to delete or attach phone numbers to my Company Account?
When you sign up for Mobilly on your company profile, you can attach and delete phone numbers under the Phone Numbers in the Profile section.
How can I make changes to my Mobilly Company Account if my company contact, address, or billing email has changed?
The letter to [email protected] from the e-mail specified in the contract must be sent in free form with information about the changes to be made.
Where can I get information on each employee’s transactions made from Mobilly Company Account?
When registering on Mobilly website in your company profile, in the Statement section select Transactions, then selecting the specific dates and ticking the Group by Userbutton, press Sendand you will receive the required report.
Does the company have the option of setting a specific parking time for the employee to pay the Company Account beyond the business hours?
Yes, you can place a specific payment time on Mobilly website by logging in to your company profile: in section Profile → Allowed Time.
Can a company also make payments for other services offered by Mobilly from its Company Account?
Yes, it's possible. Available services can be viewed on Mobilly website by registering in the Company Account under Profile → Authorized Services → Edit Allowed Services. To allow payment for a particular service from your Company Account, tick the appropriate service that the company wants to pay.
How long is the train ticket valid?
The train ticket is valid for one ride on the trip selected at the time of buying or the next trip. Tickets sold through the Unified Ticket System (VBN) on the Skulte, Tukuma, Riga-Sigulda-Valga and Riga - Jelgava - Liepāja railway lines are valid only for the selected travel time, unless a day ticket "1 day - 1 trip" is purchased (a ticket for one journey at any time on the selected date). Please note: the train ticket must be bought before boarding the train! More information:
How much does a train ticket cost when buying it on Mobilly?
Train ticket prices on Mobilly are cheaper or the same price as at the ticket office, depending on the chosen route.
Will I get the 25% discount given by train passenger carrier “Vivi”, when buying a ticket on Mobilly?
Yes, when you buy a train ticket with Mobilly, you will also receive the 25% business day discount as set out by the train passenger carrier "Vivi" (Passenger Train).
What to consider when buying a diesel train ticket?
• Tickets for diesel train trips can be bought on Mobilly app or on the website for the trips of the next 10 days. • The ticket will be valid for the selected trip or the trip next after it. Tickets sold through the Unified Ticket System (VBN) on the Skulte, Tukums, Riga-Sigulda-Valga and Rīga - Jelgava - Liepāja railway lines are valid only for the selected travel time, unless a day ticket "1 day - 1 trip" is purchased (a ticket for one journey at any time on the selected date). • Tickets cannot be bought on spot in the high comfort carriages and trains with numbered seats. It is not possible to upgrade the ticket to make it valid for the high comfort carriages.
Can I also buy a luggage ticket when buying a train ticket on Mobilly?
Yes, you can. When buying the ticket and specifying the number of tickets, you will also be able to select the luggage ticket.
Can I buy multiple tickets?
From one Mobilly account you can buy several tickets, but no more than 9 tickets.
Can I buy a to-and-fro train ticket with Mobilly?
Yes, you can. When buying the ticket and specifying the number of tickets, press BUY RETURN TICKET* and you will be able to select your return trip. Then you just need to know the departure time of your return trip train. *Please note that starting from April 1, 2024, the discount is no longer applied to the return ticket.
What should I do if I have bought a train ticket on the app, but it does not show with the active tickets?
There may have been a break in the Internet and the ticket has not loaded into the app, so, please, reload the application by closing and reopening it. You can always view the Mobilly train ticket on the Mobilly website by logging in to your account and opening the Tickets section, from where you can download the train ticket in PDF format.
I want to buy a train ticket from the Company Account, but it fails. What should I do?
To clarify the reason, call 1859* or 22001859. The most common reasons for failing to buy a train ticket are the following: • the company has denied getting train tickets from Mobilly account, • The company has limited the time it takes to get train tickets by allowing them to be bought on specific days and times. • The credit limit for the Mobilly account has been reached • Mobilly Account is blocked • The phone number from which you want to buy the ticket is not added to Mobilly account. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
The company I work for has signed a contract with Mobilly. Can I buy a train ticket as a private person?
Yes, you can. Although the phone number is added to the Company Account, you can also pay for all services as a private person. After selecting the desired trip, press the BUY button and you will be able to select PRIVATE ACCOUNT option.
Can I have the money returned for the train ticket bought?
In accordance with the amendments made by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 599 “Procedures for Provision and Use of Public Transport Services”, which came into force on March 4, 2016, you can return a train ticket if there are more than two hours left until the departure of the trip. The amount that can be refunded is 75% of the ticket price. To have the money returned for train tickets bought, send an email to [email protected], indicating the phone number from which the ticket was bought, route, trip and time, as well as the reason for returning the ticket, or call us at 1859*. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
How much does a bus ticket cost when buying it with Mobilly?
There are no additional fees for the bus services of LLC "Daugavpils Autobusu parks" - the price of the bus ticket will be the same as at the ticket office. For other carriers, Mobilly tickets have the lowest online fees.
What is the service fee?
There are no additional fees for the bus trips ensured by SIA "Daugavpils Autobusu parks". For other carriers, Mobilly provides the lowest online fees. In addition, Mobilly offers the bus seat reservation. With the gradual introduction of the unified public transport ticketing system, with Mobilly you can now also buy tickets for four bus routes of regional importance, which run in the direction of Ādaži - these tickets can be bought cheaper in the Mobilly app than elsewhere.
Can I buy a bus ticket by adding the payment to the mobile phone bill?
If you are a postpaid customer of LMT, Bite or Tele2 and allowed to take premium rate services, then you will be able to pay for the bus ticket together with your phone bill. Please note that you will only be able to get the ticket this way on Mobilly app. To buy a bus ticket on the website, you will first need to supplement the Mobilly account.
Will there be any extra charge when making payment for a bus ticket as added to the telephone bill?
When buying a bus ticket to be paid with the phone bill, the mobile phone operator will charge a transaction fee of 0.25 EUR, for Tele2 clients – 0,35 EUR.
Do I have to present a personal identification document when entering the bus?
You will only be required to show a personal identification document to the bus driver, if you use one of the discounts offered by Mobilly. You must have with you your ID with a photo (for example, a pupil's, manager's or pensioner's ID card, ID card, passport, etc.) and a document certifying that you can have the discount.
How do I get the ticket?
The bus ticket bought on Mobilly will be sent to your e-mail, indicated upon buying the ticket. It will also be available to you on the mobile app and on the Mobilly website under Tickets section.
What to do if the ticket was accidentally deleted or not received on e-mail?
If you have accidentally deleted the e-mail, you can always view and present the bus ticket bought on Mobilly in the Mobilly application in the Intercity section or you can download it again on the Mobilly website under Tickets.
I did not get the bus ticket printed, but I do not use the application. Can I show it on my phone by opening the ticket in my email?
Yes, you can also present your ticket as received on your e-mail without printing it out.
I am trying to buy a bus ticket; why don’t I get it?
To clarify the reason, call 1859* or 22001859. The most common reasons for failing to buy a bus ticket are the following: • It is less than 30 minutes until the departure of the selected trip from the starting station, as the bus on-line ticket sales are stopped 30 minutes before the departure of the bus from the main departure station - this provision applies also, if you want to buy a ticket for this trip from another stop of this bus route; • It is not possible to buy a bus ticket on-line for this trip because there is no bus terminal at the departure station; • The bus carrier has stopped online ticket selling for the particular trip; • There is not enough balance in Mobilly account; • The mobile phone operator does not allow for payments as added to the phone bill. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
I want to buy a bus ticket from the Company Account, but it fails. What should I do?
To clarify the reason, call 1859* or 22001859. The most common reasons for failing to buy a bus ticket: • the company has denied the purchase of bus tickets from Mobilly account; • The company has limited the time for buying bus tickets by allowing to buy them on specific days and times; • the credit limit for the Mobilly account has been reached; • Mobilly account has been blocked; • The phone number from which you want to buy the ticket is not added to Mobilly account. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
Can I return the bus ticket bought?
In accordance with the amendments made by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No.599 “Procedures for Provision and Use of Public Transport Services” of 28 August, 2012, which entered into force on 4 March 2016, a bus ticket can be returned if more than two hours are left before departure of the trip and in cases when the departure is late for more than 15 minutes or the carriage does not take place due to the fault of the carrier. The amount refundable is 75% of the ticket price. You can return your ticket on our website by registering with your phone number and password. To return your ticket, go to Tickets and press “i” at the ticket number or call 1859*. Other conditions for returning tickets, see HERE. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
How do I pay for parking on Mobilly app?
1. Download the app to your phone. Enter your phone number on the app. You will get SMS with the password. Enter it on the app and your account is registered! 2. Add a bank card. Add your bank card on Mobilly app and, in future, supplement your account by just a press of the button. After supplementing, you can spend the money on parking. 3. On the app, go to Parking lots, select Mobilly tariff zone, enter your vehicle number and press START*. * Before that, make sure there is sufficient balance in your Mobilly account. 4. Press STOP to stop parking.
Can I pay for parking on the app by adding the payment to my mobile phone bill?
Yes, LMT, Bite and Tele2 post-pay customers can pay for parking by adding the amount to their phone bill. To start a payment, press Pay By Adding to Phone Bill. To stop the payment for parking, press STOP. The amount spent on the parking together with the mobile operator's fee will be added to your mobile phone bill. Mobile operator's fee is 0.25 EUR, Tele2 operator’s fee ir 0,35 EUR. Be careful! • For LMT, the maximum amount of a single transaction is EUR 30. • For Tele2, the maximum amount of a single transaction is EUR 30. • For Bite, the maximum total monthly amount of transactions is EUR 40, including other than Mobilly services. In case the customer has reached the limit of one transaction, the payment has to be started again in order to continue to pay for the parking lot.
What should I do to pay for two vehicles from the same Mobilly account on the app?
After you have activated the payment for the first vehicle, to start paying for another vehicle, move the screen a little lower, where you will be able to re-select the required tariff zone for the other vehicle and activate it just like the first one.
How to pay for a time period in parking lots using the Mobilly app?
1. In the app, select the specific tariff zone where you want to park your car. 2. Indicate the vehicle you want to pay for the time period. 3. Press the More Options button. 4. Press the Pay Time Period* button and the time period is paid**. * Period payment cannot be selected if the payment is made as added to the phone bill. ** If your account does not have a sufficient balance but a bank card is added, we will automatically charge the difference in the amount missing for the period.
Is it possible to pay for parking by sending SMS?
Yes, to start paying, send SMS * to 1859 with text: START space AUTO space ZONE AUTO - your vehicle number, such as AB1221, ZONE - the tariff zone indicated on the side of the payment machine, for example X. Example of SMS: START AB1221 X * Before that, check your Mobilly account for balance. If you want to make a payment by adding to the phone bill, send SMS with text: MSTART space AUTO space ZONE to 1859. AUTO - The number of your car, such as AB1221. ZONE - the tariff zone indicated on the side of the payment machine, for example X. Example of SMS: MSTART AB1221 X To stop parking, send SMS with text STOP to 1859.
How to make sure that payment by sending SMS has started or stopped?
Mobilly will send you a reply as SMS confirming a successful start or end of parking. Also in case of error Mobilly will warn you with SMS, so always read the answer you receive! Such a notice by way of SMS costs 0.11 EUR for private persons and 0.11 EUR + VAT – for legal entities. The amount is charged from the Mobilly account. If the payment is made as of a private individual and you do not want to receive these messages by way of SMS, you can opt out of them by signing in to your Private Account on Mobilly website. You can make changes in the Profile section.
What message should I send to pay for two vehicles from the same Mobilly account?
The text of the text message does not change. A separate SMS with the vehicle number must be sent for each vehicle number.
How to stop payment when multiple vehicle numbers are activated from the same Mobilly account?
To stop payment, send SMS to 1859 with: STOP AUTO (where AUTO - vehicle number you want to stop payment for).
What is the Mobilly Tariff Zone?
This is a designation for every parking lot that can be paid on Mobilly. The letter or letters of the specific tariff zone indicate where your car is parked and what tariff will be charged for the parking time. If you park the car on the street side, in the zone of the municipal LLC "Rīgas satiksme", then the letter of the tariff zone will be displayed on the side of the payment machine. If you park your car on the parking lot, you will find two or three letters of the tariff zone in the parking lot on the Mobilly orange sign.
What if I do not know what is the Mobilly tariff zone I am in?
The exact parking zone can be found on the zone map on the Mobilly app or Mobilly website. If you park the car on the street side, in the zone of the municipal LLC "Rīgas satiksme", then the letter of the tariff zone will be displayed on the side of the payment machine. If you park your car on the parking lot, you will find two, three or four letters of the tariff zone in the parking lot on the Mobilly orange sign. In case of questions, you can always contact Mobilly customer service by calling +371 22001859.
What kind of notifications does Mobilly send?
Mobilly usually sends the following messages daily:
1) response notifications from Mobilly if
- the payment is started by SMS or the Mobilly app,
- the parking payment set for a certain period of time has expired,
- payment has been suspended.
Response notifications in the app are free of charge. If the SMS commands are used instead, then customers Mobilly account is charged for each response notification.
2) notifications, sent to all customers every 2 hours by default to remind that parking is still being paid for and to help avoid overpayment;
Notifications to remind of an active parking are a paid service. However, the customer can choose how often to receive these notifications - from once every 30 minutes to once a day. We do advise to adjust the regularity of notifications according to customers individual habits. As experience shows, in cases where payment is not suspended in time, one such overpayment costs more than the amount spent on reminder notifications.
3) alerts sent to the customer in the event that something is not done correctly when sending SMS commands or using the Mobilly app or the Mobilly account balance is coming to an end;
Notifications to alert the Mobilly app users are provided free of charge. On the other hand, customers who use Mobilly services by sending text messages are using a paid service.
4) mandatory response and transaction notifications requested by the parking lot owner.
The mandatory response and transaction notifications required by the service provider are a paid service.
The fee for individuals is 0.11 Eur, for legal entities - 0.13 Eur (VAT inculded) and this amount is charged from the Mobilly account balance.
I have already attached my vehicle number to Automatic payment. How will the payment begin?
When you drive inside any Automatic zone, the parking camera will read your vehicle number. We will check if the vehicle number read is linked to Automatic payment in any of Mobilly accounts and we will start charging payment. The barrier will also open automatically and you will be able to drive inside. Automatic zones are super convenient for recurring payments - no need to open Mobilly application, payment will be done automatically in the background.
What does it mean to “attach your vehicle number for Automatic zone payments”?
On Mobilly app, indicate the vehicle number that will be paid from your Mobilly account in all Automatic zones. So it will not matter if you or someone else will enter the Automatic zone in this car – if the particular vehicle number will be attached to Automatic payment in your Mobilly account, then it will be you who pay for the parking.
I have attached my vehicle number to Automatic for payment. Why isn’t the entry barrier rising?
Most likely, the camera has incorrectly read the vehicle number plate. We recommend to keep the number plate clean.
Why isn’t the exit barrier rising?
Most likely, the camera has incorrectly read the vehicle number plate. We recommend to keep the number plate clean. It is still possible that your Mobilly account does not have enough funds to stop parking and pay for the service received. In this case, you will receive a notice informing you of the need to supplement the account before leaving the Automatic zone. However, if the payment is successful but the barrier does not rise, call 1859*, we will help! * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
I entered the Automatic zone, and the payment started, but I have no more funds on the bank card. What to do?
If you have another bank card in your wallet, add it to your Mobilly account and make a payment by supplementing your Mobilly account. If there are no other bank cards, please, call 1859* or the customer service of the operator of the relevant parking zone to help you pay in another way. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859
How do I know in which zones the Automatic payment will start?
In these zones, in both – the Mobilly app and at the entrance of the parking lot, you will see the Automatic recognition sign. Indication of parking zone letters will be light green and green mark will appear on the app’s parking list — Automatic. Automatic payment will start in all parking lots with the Automatic sign regardless of their manager.
Which Mobilly zones currently have Automatic payment available?
Currently, Automatic operates in these zones: • JTA un JTO - "Jaunā Teika" • GER - Ģertrūdes 15/17 • RIX - Rīga International Airport • RG – Galleria Riga Dzirnavu ielā 67 • AK – Kurzemes prospektā 151 • ALB – “Albatross”, Ķesterciemā • BK – Barons kvartāls, Cēsu ielā 31 • BKUS – Children's Clinical University Hospital • DAP – Piekrastes iela 4, Daugavpils • DAS – Stadiona iela 3a, Daugavpils • DOC – Daugavpils Olimpiskais centrs • EASY – Easypark parking, Dzirnieku iela 6 • KC6 – Kalnciema iela 6 • LIB – shopping center Lība • MEZ – Meža iela 1/3 • OLI – shopping center Olimpia, Āzenes iela 5 • OC – Olimpiskā centra autostāvvieta • RCT – Central market parking, Nēģu iela 7 • SKO – Skonto stadium • SKY – shopping center Sky&More, Duntes iela 19a • TUR – Turgeņeva iela 25 • AVE - Daugavpils, Aveņu ielā • EBC - Elemental Business Centre, Skanstes iela 25 • DEPO - Mārupe, Lielā iela 2 • MBC/MBCC - Mūkusalas iela 42a • STR - Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital • TOMO - Raunas iela 44 • GRD - Zemitāna iela 9 • ALB - "Albatross" Ķesterciemā, Engures pag. • BKUS - Children Clinical University Hospital • STOA - Stockmann parking You will find the current list of Automatic zones in the app.
I’m a Company Account user. From which Mobilly account will the payment start upon entering the Mobilly Automatic zone?
In Mobilly Automatic zones, you can set for each vehicle separately from which account (private or business) the payment will start primarily. You can do this in the specific description of the Mobilly Automatic zone at the vehicle number or under My Cars.
How do I disconnect a vehicle number from Automatic Payment?
In the Mobilly app, in the upper right corner, by clicking on the 3 dashes, you will see the My car section, find the license plate number of the car in question and click on the circle with the letter A. If the circle is gray, the Automatic function is turned off, if the circle is green - the Automatic function is turned on. When opening the settings of a specific car, you have the option to: - activate or deactivate Automatic payments for this license plate; - specify in which zones to activate Automatic payments; - specify whether to start Automatic payments for this license plate from the company account.
I have a subscription to one of the parking lots in the Automatic zone, what to do?
Note that the subscription is usually made for a person, not a vehicle number, so pay close attention to whether your vehicle is linked to Automatic payment. You can turn off the automatic payment in the app by going to the My Cars section of the settings and pressing on the pencil at the relevant car number. In order not to do Automatic payment with Mobilly for your chosen car, in the section Automatic Parking Settings press List of Automatic parkings and remove the check mark from the given zone. You can also call 1859*, Mobilly customer service will help you! * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
On a daily basis, I use a variety of EuroPark products, such as discount cards, QR code discounts, a short-term subscription, or a prepaid card, how do I use them in Automatic zones?
If you want to use any of these EuroPark products, you will not be able to pay with Mobilly, because the use of these products in Automatic zones is currently not possible. Remember to manually switch off the Automatic payment before entering the parking lot. You can turn off the Automatic payment in the app by going to the My Cars section of the settings. By pressing on the pencil at the respective vehicle number, open the Automatic Parking Settings section and press on the list of automatically paid zones, where you can deactivate Automatic use in the particular car park. You can also call 1859*, Mobilly customer service will help you. If next time in a particular Automatic zone you would like to pay with Mobilly, do not forget to turn the automatic payment back for this vehicle. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
I have activated the payment for parking on Mobilly, but I have received a penalty receipt; what should I do?
The following information should be checked, when a penalty receipt is made available: 1. Who has issued the penalty receipt; it is possible that the penalty receipt has been issued by the municipal police because the vehicle is parked where it is not allowed to; 2. What is the vehicle number shown on the penalty receipt? Maybe you have indicated a wrong vehicle number when you started parking payment with Mobilly? 3. In which tariff zone the penalty receipt has been issued? Check if you have indicated the correct letter or letters of the tariff zone when starting parking payment with Mobilly. 4. What time was the penalty receipt issued? Maybe you have started paying with Mobilly after the time of issue of the penalty receipt?
After comparing the information of the penalty receipt with the activated Mobilly parking information, I concluded that I have made a mistake in the vehicle number / tariff zone. What should I do?
In the event you have made a mistake indicating a wrong vehicle number or parking zone, upon starting to pay for parking on Mobilly, you should inform the owner of the parking lot – the company that issued the penalty receipt. Mobilly gives you the opportunity to pay for parking, but it is under the control of car park owners, so the decision to cancel the penalty receipt can only be taken by the issuer of the penalty receipt.
Starting the payment I have indicated the Rigas Satiksme tariff zone, although I was in the EuroPark Latvia tariff zone, which resulted in a penalty. What should I do?
You have the opportunity to write a submission to the company in whose parking lot your vehicle was not parked. In the submission, you should point out that you have made a payment for parking incorrectly and ask to return the erroneous payment. Remember to add the penalty receipt you received to your application.
Where can I get a Mobilly sticker?
You can get a Mobilly sticker at us on arrival at 91, k-3 Dzirnavu Street.
Is it possible to start payment for parking and place a note with the word Mobilly in the window instead of the sticker?
Yes, because the stickers serve not only to make the controllers more efficient and better perform the vehicle inspection, they also help to inform those around you that you are paying with Mobilly – thus avoiding unpleasant situations in everyday life.
Is it possible to pay for the notification about the unpaid use of postpayable parking / penalty on Mobilly?
This service is currently unavailable. We are working to make the penalty receipts payable in future on Mobilly.
When to buy a one-day entry pass to Jurmala?
The daily pass must be bought on the calendar day of arrival in Jurmala, and payment can also be made after entering the city. The pass is valid until 23:59 of the day of buying. Entering and leaving during this time can be repeated.
How to pay for the Jurmala pass?
You can pay for the Jurmala pass with mobile app, by sending a text message or adding a fee to your mobile phone bill. Payment with mobile app: To buy a one-day entry pass in Jurmala, go to the Parking Lots section, select the tariff zone J and press START*. *Before that, make sure you have supplemented your Mobilly account. Supplement your Mobilly Account:
- With your bank card on the Mobilly app, enter the amount and supplement your Mobilly account in the My Card section;
- With Google Pay or Apple Pay on the Mobilly app, enter the amount and supplement your Mobilly account
- With the bank card or on the Mobilly website, enter the amount and supplement Mobilly account in the Supplement section.
How to pay for the Jurmala pass on Mobilly by sending SMS?
If you want to make a payment from your Mobilly account, send SMS to 1859 with the following text: START AUTO J, where AUTO - your vehicle number. ! Before that, make sure you have supplemented your Mobilly account. If you want to make a payment at your mobile phone bill, then send SMS to 1859 with: MSTART AUTO J, where AUTO - your vehicle number.
How do I add the Jurmala entry fee to my mobile phone bill?
If you are an LMT, Bite or TELE2 post-pay customer, you can add the fee for a one-time Jurmala pass to your phone bill.*
To do this, send: MSTART space AUTO space J to number 1859.
AUTO - Your vehicle number.
Example of SMS: MSTART AA1234 J
The one-time Jurmala entrance fee is 3 EUR.
* Service available for LMT, Bite and TELE2 post-paid customers, mobile operator charges apply. Mobilly financial transaction fee is EUR 0.17.
How to make sure that the entry fee has been paid?
After you pay for the service, you will receive a confirmation message as an SMS or push notification. This message is proof of payment of the fee and must be presented to the police officer upon request.
Where is it possible to view all payments made on Mobilly for entering Jurmala?
By registering on the Mobilly website in your profile, you will find the report under Statement -> Transactions / Transactions with the bill. Upon specifying the desired time period from, to and by pressing the Send button you will receive the required report.
How much does a taxi ride cost with Mobilly?
There is no additional charge for this service. You pay exactly as the counter shows.
How do I make sure that my taxi ride has been paid for?
When you press PAY on Mobilly app, confirmation of successful payment will be displayed, which you can present to the taxi driver. The taxi driver will receive a message of the payment by way of SMS.
Can I add the charge for a taxi ride to my mobile phone bill?
No, it is not possible to pay for a taxi ride as added to the phone bill.
I want to pay for a taxi ride from the Company Account, but I can’t. What should I do?
To clarify the reason, call 1859* or 22001859. The most common reasons why you're unable to pay from your Company Account: • The company has refused payments for taxi from the Mobilly Company Account; • The company has limited the taxi time by allowing it on specific days and times; • The credit limit for the Mobilly account has been reached; • Mobilly account has been blocked; • The phone number from which you want to pay for the taxi is not attached to Mobilly account. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
I paid for a taxi ride on Mobilly, but indicated the wrong board number / amount / taxi company. What should I do to correct the situation?
Contact us by calling 1859* and we will help you to solve this issue. * The call may be subject to a charge set by the mobile operator depending on the tariff plan. You can also call +371 22001859.
Can I pay for “FAST TRACK” on Mobilly app?
Yes, "FAST TRACK" service can be paid both in the app and by SMS.
Can I add a “FAST TRACK” payment to my phone bill?
No, the service is only available to persons who have a Mobilly account and have sufficient account balance.
How do I make sure I have paid for “FAST TRACK”?
If you paid for "FAST TRACK" by SMS - after the successful payment of "FAST TRACK", SMS will be sent to the phone, which will provide a link. When you open the link, in the web browser you will see a QR code that can be scanned just like an airplane boarding ticket at the checkpoint gate. If you paid for "FAST TRACK" in the app, after purchasing it, you will see a QR code right there in the app. The QR code can be scanned just like an airplane boarding ticket at the checkpoint gate.
How long is the “FAST TRACK” QR code valid?
The "FAST TRACK" QR code can be used once and only in conjunction with a valid boarding pass. The "FAST TRACK" code is valid for 6 months after purchase.